Introducing the Catena 4710!
This forum is for discussions of the new MCCI Catena 4710 FPGA IoT edge device. Let us know what you think, and watch here for announcements about software, FPGA code, availability and more. Here are the key features of the 4710. Lattice iCE40 Ultra Plus FPGA with 5000 LUTs in SG48 package. 1Mbyte SPI flash for FPGA bitfile and system software RISC-V soft core, V32-I instruction set, 128 kbyte on-FPGA RAM Full-speed USB for LiPo charging and download RFM95W LoRa radio (on back of board) 4 sensors:
Catena 4710 Status Report 2019-01-04
Happy New Year, all! The Catena 4710 continues to approach production status. Here are the highlights. Big highlight: the PDM microphone is working. This was a bit of an adventure, and I'll go into details below. On other fronts,we are still waiting for sign-off on releasing certain components to open source. We have another level of management sign-off now. I am hopeful that this process will complete in another few weeks, which will allow MCCI to release the full design RTL. Also, we have the
Catena 4710 Overview
What is the Catena 4710? The cryptic marketing description is: MCCI Corporation has created a combination of low-power FPGA (with RISC-V CPU) + LoRaWAN radio + sensors on a open-source single board, the Catena 4710. If you like pictures, the cryptic marketing picture is the one MCCI and Lattice did for the trade show where we demoed the Catena 4710: Both the text and the graphic really miss what the Catena 4710 is (too many abbreviations), and why it is. Before we can explain the why's, we probably
Schematics for the Catena 4710
Here are the schematics for the 4710. I've omitted the first page of the KiCad schematics, as it only points to the other pages. Right-click>View Image let me see the images in higher resolution; you still may have to zoom in for full visibility. Catena 4710 Schematic Rev A (1 of 3) Catena 4710 Schematic Rev A (2 of 3) Catena 4710 Schematic Rev A (3 of 3)
Welcome to the MCCI Catena LoRaWAN support forum
It's time for a support community! Although we like using Slack for immediate gratification, the history is not very searchable. And email is great, but people can't build off each others work. So we'll try a public support portal. Please post your questions (or answers here) and we'll do our best to help out.